Fire flowers
Walk Act
Street Theatre
Fire Shows

Fire flowers is a stylish and southern stilt act where two to three artists embrace the audience with their fiery skills and floral splendor.

The artists come from Belgium


Number of artists: 2 or 3
Number of sets: from1 to 3 x 30'

  • Play area: mobile or fixed location / Flat paved surface
  • Sheltered area with 3 bar tables for putting on and taking off stilts + to put fire materials
  • Materials: point stilts and durastilts / various fire and safety materials
  • Technology: optional speaker on power or batteries (if on fixed location
  • 1 reserved parking space for 1 to 3 vehicles with close access to the venue / dressing room and possibility to easily unload and load.
    . The organizer is responsible for the safety.
  • Dressingroom
    •  1 clean, well-lit private dressing room with access to warm running water and toilet.lockable, the key given to the artist/ crew member (if not, then the organizer is responsible for the safety).
    •  Space for  2 -3 persons.
      Equipment: 1 table, 2 chairs (or more according to the number of people), 1 mirror.
    • High enough to put on stilts. If this is not possible, then a table and chairs outside, out of sight of the public, to put on the stilts
    • refreshments and healthy snacks and fruit.
  • Catering The catering (drinks & meals) for the artists and crew members is at the expense of the organizer
  • Accommodation (if necessary)
    • When performing for more than 1 day or if the distance is too far an overnight stay is necessary