Different possibilities are possible for corporate events with this concept.
They make music with a product from the customer product. It can be as crazy as you want, they make music with it. This may be a finished product or material from the company's scrap container. Depending on the sounds, other drums may or may not be added to it .
- Also Sprach Zarathustra drum act with white oil barrels that can be personalized with stickers with your own logo or message
- The 3 drummers can be spread across the eventhall on different stages
- Water and light effects are possible if desired
Pool drum act:
- Energizing opening act
- 3 drummers with their feet in the water
- Water and light effects are possible if desired
- Drummers' clothing is negotiable.
Can be combined with another act, such as a fire breather, an aerial dancer
Bring your VIP onstage:
This act is an original way to get a VIP on stage without the audience noticing it . The VIP is dressed up just like the artists and drums along with their act. They give the VIP a crash course drum in advance and integrate him or her in our act. This is typically followed by a speech.
The artists come from Belgium