Nature parade
Family and children acts
Walk Act
Acts on Stilts
Street Theatre

The most beautiful summer nature parade.
Up tp six  magical characters light up your street as they pass. Dancing to the enchanting music and interacting with each other and your audience.

The artists come from Belgium


Number of artists: 1 to 6 artists
Playing times: 6 artists 2 x 60 min or 3 x 60 min in a time frame of 4 hours
4 artists: 2 x 40' in a time frame of 3 hours or 2 x 60'; 3 x 60 minutes in a time frameof 4 hours or up to 2.5 hours for a parade.
3 artists: (2 flowers + 1 bird of paradise or 1 grasshopper): 2 x 40', 3 x 40min; 2 x 1 hour or 3x 1 hour in a time frame of 4 hours.
2 or 1 artist: The flowers or mushrooms can be booked separately as a duo. The bird of paradise or grasshopper as a solo: 2 x 40' in a time frameof 3 hours; 3 x 40 minutes; 2 x 1 hour or 3x 1 hour in a time frame of 4 hours

  • The route between the dressing room areas and performance space should be entirely step-free for stilt walkers.
  • 1 reserved parking space for 1 or more vans with close access to the venue / dressing room and possibility to easily unload and load. The organizer is responsible for the safety.
    • The organizer is responsible for the safety
  • Dressingroom
    •  1 clean, well-lit private dressing room with access to warm running water and toilet.lockable, the key given to the artist/ crew member (if not, then the organizer is responsible for the safety).
    •  Space for minimum 1 to 6 persons
    • Equipment: solid tables, 1 chair per artist  (to be able to put on the stilts), 1 mirror. If the height does not allow you to put on the stilts inside, there must be a sturdy table and 1 chair per artist outside, out of sight of the audience next to the performance location.
    • refreshments and healthy snacks and fruit.
    • Wifi connectie
  • Catering The catering (drinks & meals) for the artists and crew members is at the expense of the organizer
    •  Warm healthy meals(dinner) to be provided for day events/
  • Accommodation (if necessary)
    •  If it is too late or the distance is too far the organisation takes care of rooms for the number of artists
    • Hotel / B&B with parking, within 10min drive of the venue unless otherwise agreed.